An interview about my 2017 comedy festival show
The NZ International Comedy Festival has started, with many shows to see in Auckland and Wellington over this next 3 week period. As a season festival performer I thought people would know what I am up to this festival show-wise, so I have interviewed myself for some scintillating insight.
So you are doing an interesting concept for your festival show this year aren’t you?
Yep thanks for asking, it’s a show which is 0 minutes and not performed anywhere at any time.
So you’re not doing a show?
No it’s a show that’s nothing.
Basically a semi plagiarism of Seinfeld then?
If you say so.
Moving on what is the theme of the show?
The theme of the Great American Hero if it had no music or lyrics.
Sounds interesting.
Well it literally sounds like nothing.
What was your inspiration for this particular show?
Well it come about one day when I had nothing to do and thought what if I just keep doing this?
Did you think about getting a paying audience to watch you perform this?
No because I wanted that moment to be replayed as it was originally.
Thanks for your time.
That’s okay, I have a bit of spare time I don’t usually have around this time of year.